Dr. Theresa K. Lant is a Distinguished Professor of Management at Pace University. She is Chairperson of Arc Stages in Pleasantville, NY, a non-profit live theatre organization that provides educational programming, community theatre, and professional theatre. In her consulting practice, she provides team building and coaching for interdisciplinary teams in medicine and engineering. Dr. Lant is a graduate of the University of Michigan (A.B. 1981) and Stanford University (Ph.D. 1987). She is an internationally recognized scholar whose work on learning and adaptation in teams and organizations is highly influential. Her current work focuses on interdisciplinary teams in science, engineering, and medicine. She received a National Science Foundation grant in 2013 to support this research, which is also highlighted in the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine report entitled Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science (2015).
Formerly a Senior Editor at Organization Science, a top-tier management journal, she now serves on the editorial review board of the Informing Science Institute Journal and is a founding member and reviewer of the International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS). She has served in a variety of leadership roles in the Academy of Management and the INFORMS College on Organization Science. Her publications have appeared in Clinical and Translational Science, Small Group Research, Group and Organization Management, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Management, Management Science, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal.