Mita Mallick is a corporate change-maker with a track record of transforming businesses. She gives innovative ideas a voice and serves customers and communities with purpose. She has had an extensive career as a marketer in the beauty and consumer product goods space, being a fierce advocate of including and representing Black and Brown communities. Her new book, "Reimagine Inclusion: Debunking 13 Myths to Transform Your Workplace" is being published by Wiley October 2023.
Her passion for inclusive storytelling led her to become a Chief Diversity Officer, to build end to end inclusion ecosystems across big and small organizations. Mita has brought her talent and expertise to companies like Carta, Unilever, Pfizer, AVON, Johnson & Johnson and more. She’s a sought after speaker and coach to start-up founders, executives, and public CEOs. She is also the cohost of the popular podcast, The Brown Table Talk, part of the LinkedIn Podcast Network. On the Brown Table Talk, Mita and Dee Marshall share stories and tips on how to help Women of Color win at work, and advice for allies on how they can show up.
Mita is a LinkedIn Top Voice, a contributor for Harvard Business Review, Adweek, Entrepreneur and Fast Company, and has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, Forbes, Axios, Essence, Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Business Insider. She was featured in a documentary created by Soledad O’Brien Productions for CBS News entitled: Women in the Workplace and the Unfinished Fight for Equality. Mita holds a B.A. from Barnard College, Columbia University and a M.B.A. from Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. She lives in New Jersey, US, with her husband and two children.