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Colleen Tolan, PhD

Research Associate, Center for Women in Business, Rutgers Business School
colleen tolan headshot

Dr. Tolan currently serves as the postdoctoral research associate for the Center for Women in Business at Rutgers Business School. She holds a PhD in conflict communication from the Klein School of Media & Communication at Temple University and has published academic papers on the topics of conflict, communication, and gender issues.

Dr. Tolan is passionate about using research-based interventions and tools to help others navigate conflict and communication effectively. 

Her research aims to better understand human processes as they relate to interpersonal and business communication. Her most recent publication for Harvard Business Review examined gendered perceptions of power and the implications of our understanding of power for female leaders.

Dr. Tolan holds an MDiv from Princeton Seminary and a B.S. in Journalism and Sociology from the University of Kansas – and is an avid Jayhawks basketball fan.

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